We create the future of
people and society through
We create the future of
people and society through fermentation.
Yaegaki Biotechnology fermentation microorganisms
As a research-oriented company,
we generate innovation.
Yaegaki Biotechnology fermentation microorganisms
The power to manipulate
The power to manipulate microorganisms.
Yaegaki Biotechnology fermentation microorganisms
We use fermentation to
deliver added value to the future.
Yaegaki Biotechnology fermentation microorganisms

We create the future of people
and society through fermentation.

As part of the Yaegaki Sake & Spirits, Inc. group, Yaegaki Biotechnology, Inc. has strived to support a healthy diet and lifestyle for the people.

Since our founding in 1979, we have pursued research and technology to effectively utilize the power of microorganisms.

Combining fermentation techniques cultivated over many years and cutting-edge biotechnology, we are ever expanding our enterprises in food colourants, general food ingredients and functional food ingredients.

We will endeavor to explore the boundless possibilities of microorganisms and create a value-filled future for people and society.

Corporate information

Yaegaki Biotechnology Corporate information


Please feel free to contact us with any questions and requests regarding our research and products.
One of our representatives will get back to you shortly.